Another week has come and gone. I'd like to say that I have lost more weight, but the #truth is, I have not. Disappointing, I know.
I just don't see how it's possible...It seems far more is coming out than going in! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself with the bathroom humor.) Perhaps it is that I am not being too terribly careful about what I eat other than ensuring that my meals are less than 15g of fat each in order to reduce the embarrassing side effects. Which doesn't really work, if I'm being honest. Could it also be that I refuse to give up my nightly glass of wine, happy hour with friends or the occasional dessert indulgence? Potentially. But it seems that even if I made no changes at all to my diet except to reduce fat intake, that I should still be seeing results, however small.
The longer I take it, the more I find myself wondering if it's really #worthit. I suppose time will tell. IF I can make it through the damn bottle without getting divorced over another unlisted side effect...
Sex. Or lack of. If you want to kill all libido in an instance, take Alli. Seriously. Ladies, if your husband pokes you in the back one too many nights, slip a little of the Alli into his food. The stomach upset and uncertainty of his ability to control his bowels that will be experienced will leave him feeling less than enthusiastic for sexy time.
Aside from the fact that sexuality is already a complicated subject - emotionally and physically - how our guts feel directly correlates with our desire to get it on. Even if articles like this one didn't suggest this, I know from personal experience. Aside from the constant flatus (I love that word) and "treatment effects" of Alli, the worry of my ability to control said side effects is what really throws the wet blanket on everything. I mean, you can just imagine the mess...and I don't mean the good kind.
Perhaps my foray into Alli world is a result of a subconscious need to be punished for something as I can't seem to convince myself to stop taking it just yet = another topic for a #blog. I am nothing if not persistent and so I will finish this bottle, side effects and marriage be damned. I'm just thanking Buddha right now that I didn't buy a two month supply.